criminal hand


All Songs Copyright 1998, James Stewart and Published by Will it Burn Music, BMI

These songs are from mostly unreleased material but we do play them live. When You Write and Cory's Theme are out on a 7" from Pariah Records and will be available via mail order, at shows or in stores. Other lyrics from previously released CDs are on the way. Thank you my little Canadians
-Jamie "the" Purring Mantis


Verse 1

Maybe a flick that I don't know
just what to say to you
Could be a losing seducer
Look at me I am cuckoo
Sing the song that breaks your heart


Hey, hey, hey K. M. and K.
So, so scared of being loony
Hey, hey, hey my man B.J.
She won't marry me cuz I'm too crazy

Verse 2

Jumpin' around all hectic
Fallin' down on demand
Heir to a life that's icky
Prostrate at your reprimand
Tappin' away at my dream 
Do you believe in me
Blowin' my horn, it's over
Do you believe in me
Sing the song that breaks your heart



Verse 1

Back and forth was killin' me
I'd call you too much, cuz I worry
Been sweet on you since that first talk
I said it so loud, maybe too loud


Oh, when you write you're still crazy about me
Then I thank God cuz my prayin' has come true
I think so hard about how to reply to you 
So you can feel I'm still crazy about you
So you can feel I'm still crazy about you too

Verse 2

Drop it off on your door step
The reasons why I like you
Even though it was too much
Shook us up a bit but they're still true


So then it's friends, well deep friends
Yeah I'll wait around, happily
Till we suss it out like drag queens
And trust enough to say I love you



Verse 1

I'm not ashamed of anything
I've ever done


This is gonna be a great day
This is gonna be a Cassius Clay day

Verse 2

You got the notion that I'm a loser
Well little monkey you missed it all
Cuz 'where there is music and there are people
and they're young and alive'*
Well I made it all 


*from "How Soon is Now" by the Smiths


Verse 1

Luber, I wanna hug you, I wanna tell you mom to love you
Cuz my mom loves me, she taught me to use the yellow pages
And my dad loves me, he took me to the guitar store

Verse 2

You got your dreams, it's about the Smashing Pumpkins
I got my dream, well that would be to sing all the time
Kelley's gonna find her way, she's gonna be a paramedic
And you're gonna find your way, if I pick up the phone or I do not


Luber, on your birthday, 
I will answer your 1000 questions
Luber, let me help you
It'll ease my conscience

Verse 3

How would it be if you knew you were saving my soul?
And what would you think, if you knew you were the toast of my town?

Luber, on your birthday, I will answer your 1000 questions



Verse 1

So she's crying and so she says to me
I've got bad news I'm having a baby
But there's nothing but dirt that I can see
So we're screwed cuz we got nothing to eat

Verse 2

So for 8 months we scrap and piss and pray
that this baby won't live a single day
And we barf but we know it's the best way
So we're screwed cuz we got nothing to eat


Please let me know you're my friend
Forgive us the mistakes we've made
And please let me know that you're down
Cuz this baby, this body will keep us

Verse 3

So we're starving, her tummy's bustin' out
And the flood comes to wash away the ground
The rush of water and fear is the only sound
So we're screwed cuz we got nothing to eat


It just died, I did not kill it
It just died, I did not kill it

If you are interested in Ibopa please contact Jamie for Will it Burn? Music: 650-562-3859 or email

For booking information please contact Jeff "Lost Highway" Walsh at Turnstyle: 408-505-0787